My poor poor fiance. I have been such a spaz lately. A spaz & a cry baby. This wedding planning, job searching, house hunting, and still trying to work a full time job = major stress.
Adam has been trying to help me lately so much. I can't thank him enough.
Tuesday we met after work and went out to dinner. When we got home he gave me a present with treats & a note telling me to relax while he straightens up the house!
So I did. I took a break with my kitkat bar.
On top of that work has been a major stress lately. MAJOR. Friday I was a mess. I felt like smoking a pack of cigs. And I haven't want a smoke in like a year!
I also was volunteered by my boss to host not one but TWO major company/community events in the next 3 months.
So, Adam surprised me and and came up Friday night in the middle of my Criminal Minds marathon evening. Saturday I slept in a little, and headed to N Niel to get our registering finished. When I came home the ENTIRE HOUSE was spotless. He even helped with the laundry & scrubbed the tub.
Saturday evening we went for a nice dinner & drinks. Romantic evening.
Shopped all day today.
I feel much more destressed. He was a big help. And I am even more thankful for him.