Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bad Boy.

Very. Bad. Boy.
Can't leave him home for 15 minutes while no one is here. If we ever want to move that is.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Best Friend Weekend

Me & Best Friend Lauren. this was the most decent photo we took all night. Yes, I know her head is cut off. I said it was the most decent one.

Best Friend Bailey.

This is why the photos are so excellent.

Thank you Guidos.

They came to Champaign Friday. We ate food. Watched tv. Snuggled. Chatted. Got up Saturday for the Farmer's Market. Shopped. Lunched. Came back to the townhouse & watched lifetime all day.
Got hot. Got glam. Went out.
We stayed at one bar, on one patio, & at one table.
We didn't bar hop as planned. We had too much catching up to do. Too many martini's to taste. Too many people to judge. Too much wedding talk with two of my BM's.

Success. I miss those two already.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sweet Summer-recapping

It all started with the best birthday surprise ever.

Getting the VIP treatment at our Wedding Reception Venue.
Adam's little sister, yours truly, Adam's little brother, my mother clapping because she's sooo nervous!

Evenings with this wonderful man.

Amtracking to Chicago with little sister Liza.

The summer of weddings. Or, is that next summer?
Oh wait, that would be 'the wedding of the summer' (May 8!)

Sweet Summer is over. Hello Fall.
So much to look forward to. So many memories to look back on.